Pieter Timmers annuncia il ritiro ufficiale della competizioni

Il 32enne belga, Pieter Timmers, argento olimpico nei 100 stile libero (47.80) ai Giochi di Rio 2016,  conferma quanto aveva anticipato nell’aprile scorso annunciando dal suo account Instagram l’addio ufficiale alle competizioni rinunciando cosi ad inseguire la sua terza olimpiade, lo ha comunicato da Budapest al termine dell’ultimo match disputato dai New York Breakers, il team ISL per cui gareggiava in questa seconda stagione del circuito.

“… Il nuoto è stato una parte importante della mia vita e ora finisce. Ho imparato molto, ho fatto amicizie in tutto il mondo ed ho spinto il mio corpo al limite. Ho dei ricordi incredibili che ho posso avere grazie allo sport. Spero di poter continuare ad ispirare altri atleti con la mia storia e che possano realizzare i loro sogni come ho fatto con il mio.  …

Qui sotto il messaggio del ritiro con alcune immagini dalla Duna Arena di Budapest


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THE END Where to begin, so much to say? I think I would like to start by saying thank you. To the fans for the nicest messages the last days and all the support I got throughout my career. To my parents, where it all started of course. They have given me all the support without asking me anything back, without hesitation and with their unconditional love. To my wife, for making the best team in the world and having my back all the time. You know: “behind every…”. Yes that is her! Our daughter, for having to miss me so much the past 3,5 years, and always loving me when I came back home. Friends and family, for all the ‘no’s’ I’ve given them because swimming was the most important, and they understood. Coaches (too many to sum up all): Ronald, Ward, Jarbas, Stijn, Martin, Patrick, Jacco, Adri, Louis, Bart, Paul, Robert, Filip, Hans, … and the paramedic team that was there for me, always. Teammates at DBT, PSV, BRABO, IRON and @nybreakers who made me better, who made me laugh and who made me survive tough trainings together. My employer @sportvlaanderen, @teambelgium, @Sporting_A, Flemish fed VZF and Belgian fed and also former and current sponsors (@speedobelgium @speedo @sportzot @pureencapsulations_be) too for all their support and efforts! Swimming obviously has been a huge part of my life and that comes to an end now. Too many sacrifices and practical problems occurred because the virus turned our watertight plan 180 degrees. I’ve learned a lot, made friends all over the world and pushed my body to its limits. Sometimes my body struggled and all the work I put in was for nothing but I’m grateful for all the moments I got to show my talent and what I worked for and that I got rewarded for that. I have some amazing memories that I got because of the sport and not an everyday story. I hope I can keep inspiring other athletes with my story and that they can fulfill their dreams like I did with mine.

Un post condiviso da Pieter Timmers (@pietertimmers) in data:


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