La campionessa olimpica Pernille Blume annuncia il ritiro

La campionessa olimpica danese Pernille Blume, annuncia attraverso social il suo ritiro dal nuoto agonistico all’età di 28 anni.

Tre volte medaglia olimpica. Oro individuale nei 50m stile libero femminili ai Giochi Olimpici di Rio 2016, dove ottenne anche il bronzo nella staffetta 4×100 misti. E medaglia di bronzo nei 50m stile libero ai Giochi Olimpici di Tokyo 2020.

Oggi 27 ottobre 2022 sui propri canali social Blume ha dichiarato:

Hello everyone ☺️
I have some news to share with you.
I’ve decided to retire from competitive swimming 💙
It has been a long journey coming to my decision and it has been some somewhat an emotional ride. Although it is hard and difficult to say goodbye to something I love so much, then it is also equally exciting and thrilling to think about a new chapter is about to unfold in my life.
I don’t know yet how this new chapter will look like, but I’m taking the plunge and believing life’s got me and I will find my way to something meaningful and exciting just like swimming has been to me.

I’m so grateful for everything swimming has taught me, for the people who helped me achieve my wildest dreams, for meeting people across the globe and making friends, for learning to dream big, for getting to know myself even better and for all the incredible experiences I had throughout the years.
Swimming will always have a special place in my heart and I will follow the world of swimming closely, but this time from the pool deck.

Thank you for all the support ❤️



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