Shayna Jack. Ora inizia la vera battaglia

La nuotatrice australiana Shayna Jack (21) comunica tramite il suo profilo instagram di aver finalmente ricevuto notizie in merito alla data dell’udienza presso il CAS di Losanna per poi raccontare le difficoltà affrontate fino ad oggi, gli obbiettivi a medio e lungo termine e la fragilità del sistema antidoping, segue il post.

Ricordiamo che secondo le regole di Swimming Australia, la Jack non ha potuto nuotare in nessuna piscina affiliata all’organizzazione e nemmeno ricevere alcuna forma di assistenza legale o finanziaria dalla stessa. In un’intervista alla trasmissione The Sunday Project sulla rete TV australiana Channel 10, Jack aveva dichiarato di avere potuto assumere la sostanza incriminata, il Ligandrol (un modulatore del recettore degli androgeni), attraverso un contatto casuale con un altro utilizzatore. 

Dalla pagina IG di Shayna Jack

Ci sono molti aspetti del sistema antidoping che sono gravemente imperfetti, ma probabilmente l’elemento peggiore è la presunzione di colpa che si deve sopportare.


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Now the real fight begins. Today I received further notice in relation to my hearing at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Nearly twelve months ago, my world was turned upside down due to allegations of using a prohibited substance in my sport. Despite a lifetime of competing clean and knowing that I had not used any prohibited substance, my life changed in an instance and I was pitchforked into an unknown world of lawyers, politics and machinations that was completely foreign to me. The process has been extremely arduous and debilitating at times. There are many aspects of the anti-doping system that are seriously flawed but possibly the worst element is the presumption of guilt that one has to bear. What sort of system infers that you are guilty of an alleged breach and the responsibility falls on you to prove your innocence? Now though, I have an opportunity to stand and fight for my career and reputation. I intend to win this fight and put myself back in the pool and reclaim my position as a member of the Australian swim team. Everyone knows what it is like to have something precious taken away from them and I am no different. However, regaining my team membership and opportunity to competitively swim again is not my sole objective. Throughout this ordeal, I have learnt a considerable amount about myself. I learnt that the purest pursuit for me was my sport of swimming. I learnt that my individuality and uniqueness was the grounds for my underlying strength. I became acutely aware of my residual determination and my absolute and all-encompassing desire for the truth to be revealed. My understanding of the value of positive mental health and the benefits of a strong and positive mind was reinforced. My belief in who I am and what I stand for was fortified and my understanding of how my message is one to be shared with others was cemented. Not everyone will fight a flawed system and find themselves ostracised from their friends and support group for something they did not do. If you do though, stand up and fight and know that your honour will always be defended if you tell the truth.

Un post condiviso da Shayna Jack (@shayna_jack) in data:


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